Sunday, March 30, 2014

What Matters Most

           Take a moment to think about the things that really matter the most. It's not the iPad you got for Christmas or the diamond earrings you got for Valentine's Day, it is the people and blessings you have, that maybe you don't take as much notice to. I get that we all have that one object we are in love with. Hey, I will even admit that I have treated my iPhone like my baby.. (No shame in that, right? HA) but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate what we have, we just don't really think too much into it or think to show it as much as we should, because we expect it is always there. That's not the case though. Life is unpredictable. I read news articles everyday about these tragic stories of people dying and I can only think of how their loved ones are hurting.. Then I think of my loved ones and it hits me.. LIFE IS SHORT. Yes, cliche, I know. But it is true! 

Anyway, I am sure you have heard enough of my rambling for today! Lol. The point of this little post is just to remind you that you should always remember the good things that you have and never take them for granted! You never know when you could lose everything. 
"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 things.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
•I was in kindergarten.
• I was living on a farm.
• I was riding horses.
• I was riding four wheelers with my dad.
• I was goofing off with my older sister.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
• I was moving to Sandy.
• I was going to a new school.
• I was wanting to be a veterinarian.
• I was witnessing my parents get divorced.
• I was putting blond highlights in my hair.

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
• I was a freshman.
• I was starting to get more focused in school.
• I was also getting into a little more trouble with the principle.
• I got my braces on.
• I was saying goodbye to junior high and preparing for high school.

5 things I was doing yesterday:
• I was falling asleep in class.
• I was hanging out with two of my good friends, Hunter and Skylar.
• I was saying happy birthday to my buddy Jessica.
• I was watching American Idol.
• I was attempting some very difficult problems on my math homework.

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• I enjoy Strawberry Shortcakes.
• I love Sugar Cookies.
• I love Chips and salsa.
• I like Rice Krispies.
• I like 7 layer dip.

5 songs I know all the words to:
Just lose it (Eminem)
Unhearted (Automatic Loveletter)
Cannibal (Ke$ha)
Man, I feel like a woman (Shania Twain)

Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)

5 things I would do with $100 million:
• I would buy a turquoise 1945 Chevy.
• I would go to Italy.
• I would buy a farm with horses.
• I would buy my mom a new car.
• I would buy a really nice four wheeler.

5 locations I would like to escape to:
• Italy.
• Australia.
• Bahamas.
• England.
• A Hawaiian cruise.

5 bad habits I have:
• I bite my nails.
• I love to sleep so I miss out on a lot of things.
• I can't leave the house with out my phone.
• I get really bad anxiety.
• I get stage fright.

5 things I like to do:
• I like to roller skate.
• I like to draw when I am stressed.
• I like to sing. (Even though I am bad at it.)
• I like to watch any scary movie that comes out in theaters.
• I like to do random things.

5 TV shows I like:
• Glee
• Dexter
• Desperate Housewives.   
• Degrassi.                                              
• Adventure Time.

5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My friends.
• My plans for Christmas.
• My grades.
• It's almost the weekend.
• My plans for the weekend.

I’m happiest when … People make me laugh.

Someday I’m going to …
own a farm.

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … draw while listening to loud music.

I feel anxious … before  I have to present something in front of people.

I like people who … are really nice and fun to be around.

All it takes to make me happy is … to make me laugh and entertain me.

What I really want to do is … get out of school.

I wish that … it would stop snowing.

I don’t like when people are … conceited.

A person really should ... be happy.

I just hate it that … there is so much hate in the world.

I just love it that ... there is no school on Monday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Metaphor Poem

My family is the circus, we are all performing a show.
My mom is the ring master, in the center of everything, directing the show.
My older sister is the tightrope walker, trying to keep balanced.
My brother is the Elephant, getting told what to do and doing as told.
My younger sister is the knife thrower, fierce and not afraid of taking a risk.
My littlest brother is the clown, making everyone laugh.
And I am the lion tamer, trying to tame my life and put it on the right track from bad to good.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Automatic LoveLetter - Unhearted

Photograph each day so we can live forever. Sit in the light to make the dark a little darker and I dance to move only you and I fight to kiss and make up. I scream for some silence. I laugh to laugh for once, not there so you notice I'm gone and I breathe cause its necessary and I sigh when I see the moon. I dream to make sleep less boring until there was you and I feel in the absence of heart and I plug my eyes to cry. I'm a hopeless romantic and kicking the habit but all hearts have darts.

Chorus: Sweet red cherry blossom tree that lives in both you and me. You marked your name but I can see it's not on me. So I've shamelessly gone and made myself come undone.
Heavy hangs my head when I'm Unhearted.

2nd V
I wear this angels crown to cover up my devils frown and upon my broken chest lay a struggle between loneliness and things that are out of place like my head in outer space and the carpet you walked on the ceiling that cries please don't walk away "chorus"

Bellow it out with all the breath in my lungs. Apologize for all that I've done. You did a number on me and a fantastic job. In the scheme of all things we never felt. When your hearts been breached and your guards been let down; You've rotten and spoiled me into the ground and a good mess forgives all the rest we allow

"chorus" x2 Sweet red cherry blossom tree that lives in both you and me.

General idea/story inference: I believe that this song is about a girl who fell in love with someone and got her heart broken in the end. It seems like he was her whole world. I think that she had to end up leaving him and that refers to her being ''unhearted''. I also believe that he found another girl. Maybe that's why she had to leave him.

Quote references:
1. "You did a number on me and a fantastic job."-  This sentence, I think, refers to her boyfriend and how he broke her heart. Her saying he did a number on her means that he hurt her, scarred her, etc. Her also saying he did a fantastic job means that it really, really hurt her. 

2.  "You marked your name but I can see it's not on me."- I think this refers to his other 'lover'. Meaning he found some one else. He "marked his name" on another girl, devoting himself to the other woman and the other woman only. The second part of the sentence clearly means that he didn't want her.

 3. "I wear this angels crown to cover up my devils frown."- I believe that this means she is upset but she covers her sadness up. She fakes her happiness.

4. "I dream to make sleep less boring until there was you."- I feel like this part of the song means that she had a boring life. Not even her dreams were good. Until this guy came into her life. Then she felt complete.

5. "Photograph each day so we can live forever."- This obviously refers to taking pictures. She felt that taking a photograph of them together, means it would feel like they would last forever. She thought that it would mean something. She can look at the pictures and remember what was good in their relationship.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Name Statement

My name means a lot to me. Not just in one way, but in many. It is like my title for who I am. If I do something morally wrong or just wrong in general then it all comes back to me and my name. I don't want people to hear my name and say, "That girl is bad news." or anything in that criteria. I want my name to be remembered as a good one. I want to be remembered as a good person who did good things in her life. If I were John Proctor, I would have done the same thing he did. I wouldn't want people to think I was once a witch and was friends with the devil. I wouldn't want to sale out my friends either! He did the right thing. He didn't want to soil his name for his life. Seems dumb but I wouldn't want to either.

I have many values in my life. Most consist of doing what's right for me or doing what is good for my future. Especially being good to other people and getting good grades. I wouldn't sale out a person to save myself from getting in trouble or anything like that. I would rather take my consequences for my actions. That's why I try and not do anything that will come back to me and bite me in the butt. I don't want to have to deal with it and get in trouble so that's why I try not to do anything wrong. But like any normal person, I still screw up every once in a while. Hey, it's life. I would still like to follow my values and keep my name clean. It's one of the main things for me to do in my life.

I can understand and relate to John Proctor in many ways. Not only do I want to keep my name like him, which I think he meant keeping it clean and not wanting people to hear it and say mean things or think wrong of him, but also the fact that people in the town heard rumors of him and assumed things about him. I can relate to that because some people assume that just because I have a piercing, I do bad things and do drugs etc. Which isn't true. Just like how people said John was a 'witch'. When he hadn't done anything remotely close to being one. Not many people know that pointing fingers or accusing people of things, can really hurt that persons reputation and their "name". That's why I choose not to do that. I value my name and that's why I have values for it. I'm sure everyone values their name in one way or another. Some just think of it differently than others.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Crucible Characters

Tituba: Whoopi Goldberg

I chose Whoopi Goldberg for the role of Tituba because she is a good actress, who can play the victim of abuse or slavery. She played a part in The Color Purple and I think it relates a little to The Crucible, by her looks(as shown in the picture) and by her acting. She looks the part and can play the part. She has been an actress for years and could easily pass the part of Tituba.

John Proctor: Joe Manganiello

Joe Manganiello would be perfect for the role of John Proctor. As you can see in the picture to the left, he looks like he could be a farmer type. Also, he is attractive and could easily lure Abigail to have an affair with him. He looks serious, like John, and has that scruffy look to him. Joe might not be a hot shot holly wood movie star, but I have seen him act in the series True Blood. He could play the role of John Proctor good.

Abigail "Abby" Williams: Scarlett Johansson

I picked Scarlett Johansson as the character Abigail. She fits the part because she is pretty, looks innocent, and is a good actress. She can play the part of a girl who everyone may think is the victim but ends up being deceiving. She is pretty enough for John Proctor to take interest in her. Looks older when she is young too.

Reverend Samuel Parris: Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas would be a great Reverend Parris because he is a good actor and has been one for years. He looks like a respected man and could play a man who is desperate for his reputation not to go down in flames by his daughter and nieces bad choices. Seems like he could act as a Reverend because he is older and liked by many.

Goody Rebecca Nurse: Gena Rowlands

Gena would be good for the role of Rebecca Nurse because she can play the sweet old lady on movies. Like in the movie the Notebook, she was a cute, sweet old lady and looks like the part of Goody Nurse. She seems like she could be an older woman who knows a lot about raising children and knows how they act, and could think the way the girls act in the play is just a phase.

Mary Warren: Rachel Blanchard

I chose Rachel Blanchard for the part of Mary Warren because in the play, she seems a little quiet and innocent. She is Abby's replacement for the Proctors. I could picture Rachel Blanchard in the time of the Salem witch trials and a part of the "dancing" acts that the girls in the play did. She is young and pretty. She looks respectable and could easily be picked by the Proctors for Abigail's replacement.

Goody Elizabeth Proctor: Kim Basinger

For the role of Goody Proctor, I could see Kim Basinger play her. She has had many roles where she is the perfect housewife and has had many years of experience. She is a pretty older woman and I could see a farmer seeing her as a good wife. I could also see her being the victim of her husband cheating on her and she having to stay with him for the good of her name.

Thomas Putnam: Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin would be a good actor for the character Thomas Putnam. I could picture him being a greedy landowner who is very serious about getting new land. Baldwin can play a very serious and mean man, like Putnam. He seems very uptight in the play and I can see Baldwin playing him. Plus, he is a very experience actor, who can portray the part of any type of guy.

Goody Ann Putnam: Susan Sarandon

I chose Susan Sarandon as the part of Goody Ann Putnam because she is an awesome actress. She has played so many roles, that she would be able to play this one. She knows how to look the part of a character and could play the part of a troubled woman who has had many of her children die. Also, she can play a mean lady or a lady grieving over her only daughter being "sick". 

Reverend John Hale: Christian Bale

Christian Bale would be good for the role of John Hale because he is younger but serious, he can play any part, and he is a good actor. He even looks the part (as you can see in the picture to the left). He looks like he could play a part in the olden days. He is very good looking, so many people would grow to like him. He could play the part of a Reverend and Christian Bale could play a serious, kind of crazy guy who specializes in witch-craft.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A person's actions sometimes determine what type of person he/she is.

A person's actions sometimes determine what type of person he/she is. There are many reasons of how I could explain why, but I will narrow it down to be more persuasive. Someones actions sometimes determine what type of person they are because you can choose your own actions, you can be influenced, and people don't know the reasons behind your actions.

You have the ability to choose your own actions. You can think of what you're doing and you may be able to process it in your mind and realize it's bad or good. it's not like anyone is physically forcing you to do something.

Sometimes people are influenced by others. You can be peer pressured and don't actually want to do that certain thing. Other times, people do things that others do, so they fit in or are "cool".

People don't know the reasons of your actions. For all they know, you could have a logical and understandable reason to do something. For example, you could be sick or have cancer and have to smoke marijuana because it is used for medicine. That doesn't make you a "burn-out" or a "loser". Others shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. They don't even know if you really want to be doing it, but you have to do it.

In conclusion, a person's actions don't always determine what type of person they are. You do have the right and ability to choose your own actions. You can be influenced by peers' actions. No one knows all the reasons/facts behind your actions.