Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Name Statement

My name means a lot to me. Not just in one way, but in many. It is like my title for who I am. If I do something morally wrong or just wrong in general then it all comes back to me and my name. I don't want people to hear my name and say, "That girl is bad news." or anything in that criteria. I want my name to be remembered as a good one. I want to be remembered as a good person who did good things in her life. If I were John Proctor, I would have done the same thing he did. I wouldn't want people to think I was once a witch and was friends with the devil. I wouldn't want to sale out my friends either! He did the right thing. He didn't want to soil his name for his life. Seems dumb but I wouldn't want to either.

I have many values in my life. Most consist of doing what's right for me or doing what is good for my future. Especially being good to other people and getting good grades. I wouldn't sale out a person to save myself from getting in trouble or anything like that. I would rather take my consequences for my actions. That's why I try and not do anything that will come back to me and bite me in the butt. I don't want to have to deal with it and get in trouble so that's why I try not to do anything wrong. But like any normal person, I still screw up every once in a while. Hey, it's life. I would still like to follow my values and keep my name clean. It's one of the main things for me to do in my life.

I can understand and relate to John Proctor in many ways. Not only do I want to keep my name like him, which I think he meant keeping it clean and not wanting people to hear it and say mean things or think wrong of him, but also the fact that people in the town heard rumors of him and assumed things about him. I can relate to that because some people assume that just because I have a piercing, I do bad things and do drugs etc. Which isn't true. Just like how people said John was a 'witch'. When he hadn't done anything remotely close to being one. Not many people know that pointing fingers or accusing people of things, can really hurt that persons reputation and their "name". That's why I choose not to do that. I value my name and that's why I have values for it. I'm sure everyone values their name in one way or another. Some just think of it differently than others.

1 comment:

  1. I like the references to John Proctor and how you related to him, very good writing
