Thursday, February 17, 2011

5 things.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
•I was in kindergarten.
• I was living on a farm.
• I was riding horses.
• I was riding four wheelers with my dad.
• I was goofing off with my older sister.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
• I was moving to Sandy.
• I was going to a new school.
• I was wanting to be a veterinarian.
• I was witnessing my parents get divorced.
• I was putting blond highlights in my hair.

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
• I was a freshman.
• I was starting to get more focused in school.
• I was also getting into a little more trouble with the principle.
• I got my braces on.
• I was saying goodbye to junior high and preparing for high school.

5 things I was doing yesterday:
• I was falling asleep in class.
• I was hanging out with two of my good friends, Hunter and Skylar.
• I was saying happy birthday to my buddy Jessica.
• I was watching American Idol.
• I was attempting some very difficult problems on my math homework.

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• I enjoy Strawberry Shortcakes.
• I love Sugar Cookies.
• I love Chips and salsa.
• I like Rice Krispies.
• I like 7 layer dip.

5 songs I know all the words to:
Just lose it (Eminem)
Unhearted (Automatic Loveletter)
Cannibal (Ke$ha)
Man, I feel like a woman (Shania Twain)

Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)

5 things I would do with $100 million:
• I would buy a turquoise 1945 Chevy.
• I would go to Italy.
• I would buy a farm with horses.
• I would buy my mom a new car.
• I would buy a really nice four wheeler.

5 locations I would like to escape to:
• Italy.
• Australia.
• Bahamas.
• England.
• A Hawaiian cruise.

5 bad habits I have:
• I bite my nails.
• I love to sleep so I miss out on a lot of things.
• I can't leave the house with out my phone.
• I get really bad anxiety.
• I get stage fright.

5 things I like to do:
• I like to roller skate.
• I like to draw when I am stressed.
• I like to sing. (Even though I am bad at it.)
• I like to watch any scary movie that comes out in theaters.
• I like to do random things.

5 TV shows I like:
• Glee
• Dexter
• Desperate Housewives.   
• Degrassi.                                              
• Adventure Time.

5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My friends.
• My plans for Christmas.
• My grades.
• It's almost the weekend.
• My plans for the weekend.

I’m happiest when … People make me laugh.

Someday I’m going to …
own a farm.

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … draw while listening to loud music.

I feel anxious … before  I have to present something in front of people.

I like people who … are really nice and fun to be around.

All it takes to make me happy is … to make me laugh and entertain me.

What I really want to do is … get out of school.

I wish that … it would stop snowing.

I don’t like when people are … conceited.

A person really should ... be happy.

I just hate it that … there is so much hate in the world.

I just love it that ... there is no school on Monday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Metaphor Poem

My family is the circus, we are all performing a show.
My mom is the ring master, in the center of everything, directing the show.
My older sister is the tightrope walker, trying to keep balanced.
My brother is the Elephant, getting told what to do and doing as told.
My younger sister is the knife thrower, fierce and not afraid of taking a risk.
My littlest brother is the clown, making everyone laugh.
And I am the lion tamer, trying to tame my life and put it on the right track from bad to good.